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2020-09-15  点击:[]








1. 周东亚,金燕,朱宏轩(通讯).基于TRIZ理论的榨汁机创新设计研究[J].包装工程,2023.04

2. Jin, Y., & Lee, S. (2019). Designing in virtual reality: a comparison of problem-solving styles between desktop and VR environments. Digital Creativity, 1-20.第一作者.(A&HCI)

3. Lee, S. , Jin, Y. , Ahn, S. , & Park, J. . (2019). Effects of individuality, education, and image on visual attention: analyzing eye-tracking data using machine learning. Journal of Eye Movement Research, 12(2). SCI

4. Park, Jaewan & Jin, Yan & Lee, Sangwon & Ahn, Sihyeong. (2019). The Impact of Design Representation on Visual Perception : Comparing Eye-Tracking Data of Architectural Scenes Between Photography and Line Drawing. Archives of Design Research. 32. 5-28. (Scopus)

5. Yan, J., Xu, L., & Lee, S. (2017). A Sensory Emotion Data System for Designing Information Appliances. International Conference on Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population (pp. 255-263). Springer, Cham.第一作者

6. Lee, S., & Yan, J. (2016). The impact of 3D CAD interfaces on user ideation: A comparative analysis using SketchUp and Silhouette Modeler.,Design Studies, 44, 52-73. (SCIE).

7. Lee, S., Cinn, E., Yan, J., & Jung, J. (2015). Using an eye tracker to study three-dimensional environmental aesthetics: The impact of architectural elements and educational training on viewers’ visual attention. Journal of Architectural and Planning Research, 32(2), 145. (SSCI).

8. Lee, S., & Yan, J. (2014). The potential of a text-based interface as a design medium: An experiment in a computer animation environment. Interacting with Computers, 28(1), 85-101. (SCI).


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