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2021-09-06  点击:[]







2022.09-2023.09 |大数据驱动下的产品造型意象综合模型研究, 青岛理工大学

2021.05-2024.05 |青博虚拟现实VR展示及实训演示开发设计,横向课题

2021.05-2024.05 |基于大数据和人工智能的用户画像生成系统开发,横向课题

2017.11-2021.12 |城市灾难疏散模拟程序开发研究,韩国政府科研项目

2018.07-2020.06 |针对脑科学价值传播的科学文化展示AR/VR内容开发公开课,韩国政府科研项目

2017.11-2018.02 |针对积极老龄化的智能家居平台开发研究,韩国政府科研项目

2017.06-2017.02 |“根据太阳系行星特征设计宇宙基地”主题的VR内容制作,韩国政府科研项目

2017.06-2017.11 |现代汽车HMI用户测试,横向课题

2016.12-2017.12 |使用认知和情感信息的用户中心产品设计平台开发,韩国政府科研项目

2016.09-2016.10 |基于生成设计方法论的总体设计教育科目开发,韩国政府科研项目

2013.10-2014.12 |中国老年人厨房使用行动调查,横向课题


2023.07 | Apparatus and Method for Recommending Emotional Color Scheme based on Image Search,韩国实用专利,10-2560276-0000

2020.08 | Method and Computer Program for Providing Fire Simulation Servide Based on Graphical User Interface,韩国实用专利,10-2147256-0000

2021.06 | Urban Earthquake Evacuation Simulation Apparatus Based on Graphical User Interface and Method Thereof,韩国实用专利, 10-2269142-0000


2023.09 | Color2Vec: Web-based Modeling of Word-Color Association with Sociocultural Contexts, ACM TOCHI, SCI Q2.

2022.10 | Research on User Experience Evaluation Model of VR Museum, AIID2022, EI.

2020.12 | A Study on Evaluation Model of VR Shopping Experience based on User-Centered Approach, ICIDDT2020, EI

2019.08 | A Color Research System based on Image Search Engine: Compare with Kobayashi Color Image Scale, Digital Contents Society, KCI.

2019.02 | A study on the Development of Web based Urban-scale Evacuation simulator Using Super Computer, HCI Korea 2019.

2018.12 | Virtual Reality Remote Pointing Experiment: Evaluation Using Fitts’ Law, Design Convergence Society, KCI.

2018.08 | A Cognitive Emotion Data System Based on Component-centered Product Design Process for Small and Mid-sized Business, Design convergence study, KCI.

2018.08 | A Study on the Citizen Participation Public Service Design for Consumer-Oriented Policy - Focused on the case of Affordance Design for Getting On and Off the Kindergarten School Bus for Safety, Korea Design Forum, KCI.

2018.07 | A Study on User Cognitive and Affective Information Supporting System Development for Product Design, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, EI.

2018.07 | A study on improvement of operation log for kindergarten school bus safety using human-centered design methodology, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, EI.

2017.07 | A Sensory Emotion Data System for Designing Information Appliances, LNCS, EI.

2017.02 | A proposal of customized notification system based on scenarios to cede control on autonomous driving, HCI KOREA 2017.

2013.11 | Charactering the Summer Palace from a Taoism perspective: Centerted on the Notion of Being and Non-being Relying on Each Other, Korean Institute of Interior Design.


2020.08 |韩国国家级项目EDISON·优秀研究员奖,韩国科学技术情报研究院(KISTI)


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